Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crossroad. . .

Assalamualaikum ,

                     Yeah it has been a while since I last updated my blog *cliche*. By the way , I'm now in the MSK (Musculoskeletal) module. Things have not went according to plan or rather I didn't plan at all. *total loser* . I realized that my recent post have not been that positive. It's as though I've lost my motivation. Unfortunately , It is true , I've lost it. The enthusiasm that I had in me at the beginning is slowly fading. There are a lot of things to remember yet there are so little time. Final exam is coming nearer day by day..(5 weeks left).*I felt so left behind*

                      I'm sorry if you guys have to read this but it is true life as a medical student is tough. When I say "Tough" , I really mean it . no kidding . I realized there are so many things that I've yet to cover while the others have already done that. I wouldn't like to speculate things but they do leave me behind about a miles away.*Based on my point of view*  ("They" refers to my other colleagues).

                  Indeed it is my mistakes after all , take things for granted and like to revise topics on the eleventh hour. The disadvantage of being at home for me and few others is when we are at home , we tend to leave our books behind. We are busy doing other things rather than doing our revision. For example , as for me , when I'm at home , I would always give my full attention to my family. Family first . But doing that means I'll sacrifice my revision time. You see , It is like you are at a crossroad and you have to choose one of the route.Plus, I'm trying to prove that medical students do not always carries their books with them wherever they go.*It is proven if only I've got a proper planning i.e. proper time management*

               Despite that , I've not lost my passion to become a doctor one day. That passion have drive me to go through this thick time and push myself back to the so-called "optimum level".To do that I need to have PROPER TIME MANAGEMENT and DESIRE to succeed. After going through the General Module (GM) , now I began to cope with the stress and pressure of being a medical student. I know what I have to do to rectify my shortcomings. "The biggest enemy of you is your own self" . *Ya Allah , give me the strength and the will to do what I've to do and guide me through this crucial moment.*

New Year Resolution:

1. To change my attitude to become a better person. (hablum minallah wa hablu minannas)

2. To have a proper time management.

3. To score no less than a "B" for every progress test.

4. To get an "A" for this semester. (to score higher and maintain consistency for other semester.)

5. To do revision and assignment as early as possible. (priority)

6. To be a better son , better grandchildren , better nephew , better cousin , better mukmin , better friend , better student and a better person.

7. To be more motivated and confident.

8. To improve my interpersonal skills.

9. To be a successful person and being able to inspire others.

10. To get married after receiving my degree scroll *5 years from now* 

*New Year Resolution*


 p/s : I do like to spread joy to others by smiling but deep inside nobody knows except Allah :'(

p/s II : Yes ! 9 things that I need to achieve for my new year resolution. *The no.10 is not my main priority right now considering how I'm yet to have a stable life*  =)

p/s III : to all my colleagues , let's us struggle to achieve our goal that is to become a good doctor for the betterment of the Ummah.

p/s IV :thanks for reading this entry. Happy New Year !~ (^_^)


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Blog dan Tamadun. . .

Suatu Ketika Dahulu...


                      Entri kali ini akan merungkai satu persatu persoalan yang bermain-main di benak fikiran kalian. Ya , sepertimana tajuknya Blog dan Tamadun , aku akan menulis serba sedikit tentang bagaimana blog ini boleh wujud atau lebih tepat lagi sejarah kewujudan blog ni. (Pengaruh TITAS telah menyebabkan aku tulis entri ni..haha).

Sejarah Awal Kewujudan Blog :

                      Hmm..kisahnya bermula begini....(jika versi bahasa inggerisnya - It all started when...) sila sambung ayat di atas tidak kurang daripada 500 patah perkataan..HAHA.. (Ketawa sopan).
Okay , berbalik kepada tajuk kita tadi , blog ini telah didaftarkan semenjak Oktober 2008 lagi. Namun begitu , entri pertamanya bertajuk "Taufiq's homecoming" hadir pada 7 November 2008. Maka dari detik dan saat itu secara rasminya aku menjadi seorang blogger yang tampan lagi macho.

Pencetus Inspirasi :

                     Jadi siapakah yang telah menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk aku mula menulis blog ini? *drumroll* Terdapat dua orang sebenarnya , mereka adalah Siti Nadia binti Hasnan dan Nabil Harith bin Mohd Najib. Kedua-dua adalah sahabat baik aku semenjak dari sekolah menengah lagi. Persahabatan kami menjadi lebih akrab ketika kami memasuki tingkatan tiga (3 Jaya).Pada perkiraan aku ketika itu ,gaya penulisan mereka yang kreatif , menarik dan matang  yang telah membuatkan aku tertarik untuk menulis blog. (masing-masing kembang hidunglah lepas ni..hahaha)

Pemilihan Nama Blog :

                 Bagi pemilihan nama blog ini sebenarnya berlaku sejak akhir tingkatan tiga lagi. Waktu tu aku dan nabil tengah berjalan-jalan lepas habis makan dekat kantin sekolah menuju  ke bilik darjah. Then suddenly , it strikes me...ZAPPP!! "" Sebenarnya , nabil harith lah yang sedang ketika itu bercerita tentang blog dia dan menghasut mengajak aku untuk berkecimpung dalam dunia blogging ni.

Penggunaan Bahasa :

                   Pada mulanya blog ini di tulis dalam bahasa Inggeris supaya ianya setaraf dengan bahasa antarabangsa dan mampu untuk menembusi pasaran luar negara. (gaya macam nak jual produk pulak..haha). Kemudiannya , setelah mengambil kira sudut-sudut tertentu dan untuk memperkasakan lagi bahasa ibunda , blog ini telah bertukar menjadi dwibahasa yakni akan ada entri dalam bahasa inggeris dan juga bahasa melayu. Entri pertama dalam bahasa melayu ialah entri khas : Ihya Ramadhan pada 29 julai 2011 , di mana aku telah menyatakan hasrat untuk merombak bahasa yang digunakan di dalam blog ini.

Misi dan Visi Blog :

                     Antara kandungan yang terdapat di dalam blog ini merangkumi isu-isu semasa (dalam dan luar negara) , pengalaman hidup aku , nilai-nilai islamik , pendapat peribadi , erti persahabatan , kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar perubatan , politik (neutral) dan sebagainya. (Anda boleh lihat dan baca entri dalam blog ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut). The most important things is "I'm here to inspire and to be inspired". -Taufiq-

Fans dan Follower :

                         Jumlah terkumpul setakat ini ialah 284 so bad lah kan. *sedapkan hati*. Matlamat utama penubuhan blog juga tercapai kerana statistik menunjukkan masyarakat luar negara juga turut mengunjungi blog ini cuma tak jadi follower je tetapi tak mengapa , mungkin mereka menjadi "silent reader" seperti kebanyakan pelawat-pelawat yang mengunjungi blog ini. Walau apapun , aku ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana tidak henti-henti memberi sokongan dan dokongan walaupun di sebalik tabir. Really appreciate it and kalau boleh berilah input dan komen-komen anda yang membina supaya blog ini boleh "improve" lagi pada masa hadapan.

Kaitan Blog dan Tamadun :

                  Dewasa ini , kita dikejutkan dengan media baru iaitu blog , yang telah melonjak naik sebagai wadah yang amat berkuasa. Hal ini dapat di lihat bagaimana kewujudan blog-blog ini yang telah menjadi media alternatif menggantikan media perdana seperti surat khabar dan televisyen mahupun radio. The popular uprising of the Egyptian people can be a good example. Contoh lain ialah Pilihan raya ke dua belas (PRU-12) dimana parti politik pembangkang telah berjaya merampas beberapa buah negeri di Malaysia dan juga telah mengurangkan majoriti 2/3 parlimen yang dimiliki sebelum ini oleh kerajaan. Pihak pembangkang telah menggunakan media alternatif seperti blog untuk menyampaikan mesej dan manifesto mereka. 

                 Selain itu , kewujudan blog-blog ini telah mengubah pemikiran rakyat Malaysia yang menjadi semakin matang dan celik IT. Manakala , isu luar negara seperti isu pencerobahan rejim Zionas terhadap penduduk Palestin juga dapat disampaikan dengan pantas. Perkembangan peristiwa letupan di loji Nuklear Fukushima , info sukan seperti kemenangan pasukan Malaysia baru-baru ini dalam perlawanan bola sepak Sukan SEA , dan sebagainya dapat diketahui lebih awal melalui blog-blog ini. Pendek kata , blogger seperti wartawan bebas yang melaporkan apa sahaja isu yang berlaku samada dalam dan luar negara.

                 Kesimpulannya, kewujudan blog mampu untuk mencorak tamadun sesuatu bangsa dan negara.Oleh itu , aku ingin sekali menjadikan blog aku ini sebagai sesuatu yang berfaedah dan bukannya blog picisan.

Latarbelakang Empunya Blog :

                  Last sekali baru teringat nak memperkenalkan diri..haha..okay, nama di beri Ahmad Taufiq Bin Hanif Salihudin. Dilahirkan pada 15 September 1992 . Berasal dari Klang , Selangor. Mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (STAR). Sedang melanjutkan pelajaran dalam jurusan Perubatan dan Pembedahan (MBBS) di UiTM Shah Alam. Masih single and available..HAHA. Cintakan Tanah Air dan masih mencari hidayah Allah S.W.T. Seorang yang optimis , berkeyakinan , sentiasa bermuhasabah diri , lucu (ye ke? haha) ,benci kepada racism , assabiah dan seangkatan dengannya , percaya bahawa perpaduan di dalam negara dapat di capai berteraskan prinsip-prinsip Islam. Jika ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut boleh lah mengenali diri ini. Sekian.  Wallahu a'lam.

fokus kepada kain samping yang senget..haha

p/s : thanks for reading this entry.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Forever Alone~ ^_^

-Take One-

-Take Two-

-Take Three-

-Take Four-

-Take Five-

-Take Six-

-Take Seven-

-Take Eight-

-Take Nine-

-Take Ten-

-Take Eleven-

-Take Twelve-

-Take Thirteen-

p/s : pleasant viewing and thanks for visiting my blog. *Not Forever Alone* :D

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Destiny Awaits.

Assalamualaikum ,

                  It has been a while since I last updated this blog. Yeah , that is why tonight will be the right time to update my blog. This is the first time I'm gonna write an entry without putting the title first. Thus , any title that I will put up later will be the main idea about what I want to emphasize in my entry. So please bare with me as this gonna be a long post.

Part 1

Friday : 28th October 2011

                       Yea , I still remembered that moment. It was a cold Friday night. Eddy and I run through the forbidden forest (shortcut). From the news that we heard , there will be a "Nite Run : Tribute to Palestine" and the starting point is at the marching field. After running through the forest , finally we made it. fuhhh..tiring it is..I promised to myself that will be the last time I will use that "shortcut".At first I thought we were already late but then I saw about a "battalion" students were still listening to the speech by the vice chancellor. I was a bit relieved to know that I'm not that late. 

                   Eddy and I were searching for our friends since we were a bit late. At last , we found them with the kenangas (referring to our residential college).There was KK (not the real name) , Pali , Syakir , Arif , Hafizi and few others I don't quite remembered. After the speech ended, It was the time that we were all waiting for.The so-called nite run.The race starts and It seems that we were moving quite slowly like Jemaah Haji. You just imagine how can a "battalion" students starts running at the same time.

Jemaah Haji di padang Arafah

                 After about one kilometer , the only person left besides me is KK. (why must be him..why???? HAHA).So we formulated a new strategies that will most likely make us win in this race.The winner will get a hamper , a limited edition perindu's bottle and food.While ,the first 500 people will get the limited edition perindu's bottle and food.For the losers will get nothing.HAHA.Back to our brilliant strategy , we will run only when we were going down a hill and we will jog when we going up the hill.The strategy really works as it reduces the time for lactic acid to accumulate to our muscle that will lead to fatigue.

               However, I did felt the effect of lactic acid that was starting to accumulate in my muscle since I didn't warm up first before the race started.My bad actually. Hmm..after all the running , finally I saw the marching field. (The endpoint was also at the marching field).Yesss, we finally made it , I sprint to the last of my ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Then , I saw the JPK abbreviated for "Jawatankuasa  Perwakilan Kolej" shouting "coupon.. coupon.. coupon..". KK and I immediately "drift" to the left and registered our name , got our coupon , the limited edition bottle and the food.

              There were sigh of relieved from both of us because finally we won.Unfortunately , after about ten to fifteen minutes wandering at the marching field , came a young man asking us " Eh, kad ni nak buat apa ha?". I was like "kad? what kad?" while checking the card thoroughly. DAMN! I suddenly realised that we actually didn't finished our race yet since we were suppose to go straight not to the left.Without wasting any time , KK and I raced to the finished line awkwardly since we were holding our bottle and food. Yup , we didn't get any card since the winner have already taken it.We were the sore losers but at least we did have fun.Right KK?

Lesson : Do not be greedy to get s
omething (i.e coupon) or else you will risk losing a bigger things.

Part 2

Saturday : 29th October 2011

                  It was freezing cold Saturday morning and today for the 3rd time, Intervarsity Games (IVG) will be held in UiTM Shah Alam. So what's IVG? Basically , IVG is a games kinda like Olympic games between Faculty of Medicine from different university competing each other in a selected tournament which includes private university such as AIMST , UCSI , MMMC , UTAR and few others.
Of course , I didn't entered any of the games since the only game that I'm good at which is badminton didn't includes in the list of games played in this tournament. So I chose to be the paramedic rather than nothing.The irony is who needs a paramedic when the games is between Medic faculty. I'll emphasize it again.Games played between MEDIC FACULTY. get it? (They can obviously tend to their own injuries.)


p/s : Thank God.They were only a  few injuries occur during the tournament primarily muscle cramp.

Part 3

               I'm running out of idea already and it's only part 3.Haha.Okay , I would like to talk about SAF aka Sukan Antara Fakulti. Basically , I'm entering the selection in badminton to represent the faculty of medicine against other faculty. Frankly speaking , It has been a while since I last played badminton and you know when you didn't played that game regularly , you will feel awkward when you start to play that game again. That's what happened to me during the training for the selection. I was like losing my focus and rhythm.Playing like #@*% in front of a few people that kinda embarrassing to me. It's such a disgrace going down tamely to an unseeded opponent.I  feel that I can do much better than that but....hmm..well , I'm gonna pull out from that selection anyway. There are few others who are great enough to represent our faculty rather than me. Maybe next time , when I found my rhythm back and played regularly as before I'll come back to challenge Chong Wei. HAHA.

Part 4

Friday : 4th November 2011

                   It was indeed a sorrow day for me. I'd just got my Progress Test (PT) result and it spells "C". Alhamdulillah , I managed to pass the test even though I didn't really managed to cover all the topic before the test. Someone has somehow post at my wall in Facebook that day congratulate me for getting an A for my PT. It was absolutely not true and I hereby clarify that I didn't get an A. Seriously , it causes misleading to a few people who then congratulate me and it also further deepen my sadness. But don't worry , to that person who is responsible for all this. Lucky for you I'm not that sensitive or "emo" kinda guy. (chill la bro).HAHA.

                     Okay , back to the PT result, I admit it is my mistake not to revise the subjects during my free time instead I was busy playing Facebook or doing something else that is less urgent and important to me. Immediately after the test I'd reschedule my time table and planning new strategies that will InsyaAllah improve my result for the second PT. I will try to do my best to get not only an A but A* for the next PT. Lesson learned and now time to move on.I remembered a quote from a doctor who had once treat me. That time I'm not even a medical student. I asked him ,"Is it hard to pass a medical test/exam?". He said , "Everyone can pass an examination but being a good doctor and passing a test is a different things."

Moral : Being a good doctor doesn't mean that you must always get a distinction or pass your examination.It's more than that. How you treat your patient and other things are more important.

                       There is one poem that I liked the most especially when I am down. The poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling. Here's the poem looks like :

If you can keep your head when all about you 
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; 
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, 
But make allowance for their doubting too; 
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, 
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, 
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, 
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; 
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; 
If you can meet with triumph and disaster 
And treat those two imposters just the same; 
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken 
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, 
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, 
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings 

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, 
And lose, and start again at your beginnings 
And never breath a word about your loss; 
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew 
To serve your turn long after they are gone, 
And so hold on when there is nothing in you 
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, 
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch; 
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; 
If all men count with you, but none too much; 
If you can fill the unforgiving minute 
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - 
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, 
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son! 

Part 5

                 There is a great news amid the sorrowfulness , disappointment , and sadness as I will have a two weeks of break following Hari Raya Aidiladha and midsem break. The breaks is timely and greatly needed as it give me an ample time to reflect back on what is lacking in my performance so far. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. We should take lesson from the event where Prophet Ibrahim A.S was instructed by Allah to sacrifice his son Prophet Ismail A.S. and without hesitation Prophet Ibrahim follows the ordered. As a reward , the sacrifice is change into a lamb to replaced Prophet Ismail A.S. It is actually a test for Prophet Ibrahim and he pass the test given by Allah.

p/s : thanks for reading this entry :DD

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mencari sesuatu yang hilang ! ~


                   Jam menunjukkan tepat pukul 1 pagi namun tidakku hiraukan waktu tersebut . Jari-jemari yang rancak di atas papan kekunci membuatkan aku teruja seketika untuk meng"update" blog ini . Jikalau mengikutkan hati sudah tentu akan ku tinggalkan sahaja blog ini kesepian , tapi TIDAKK.. mana mungkin aku buat sebegitu . Nafasku terhenti seketika memikirkan alangkah indahnya hidup aku saat dan ketika ini , hanya menulis tanpa tekanan .Tidak ada soalan SGS yang perlu aku jawab , Tidak ada graf biochemistry yang perlu aku lukis , tidak ada lecture note anatomy yang perlu aku hafal , tidak ada buku guyton (physiology) untuk aku fahamkan , tidak ada nota-nota yang perlu aku salin semula dan pastinya tidak ada makhluk halus (microbes) yang perlu aku perhatikan . Yang ada hanya aku dan blog .

                  Angin malam menghembus lembut ke wajahku membuat aku sedikit tersengguk-sengguk keletihan .Hari- hari yang berlalu mengajar aku banyak perkara . Sebagaimana komander kesatria mengajarku tentang erti disiplin sambil menutur kata "Budak medik , budak baik.." (dengan nada sinis) . Aku tahu , seharusnya malam ini aku berehat untuk menggantikan sel-sel yang telah mati akibat aktiviti-aktiviti sepanjang minggu..tapi sekali lagi aku tegaskan...Tidakk! belum lagi.. masih banyak yang perlu aku bicarakan pada malam ini . Mungkin pada fikiran kalian "ape kena mamat nih..emo malam2 buta".. (ahhh !..pedulik kan semua itu.)

                 Hari yang berlalu sudah membuatkan aku sedikit cemas dengan keadaanku sekarang. Nota-Nota yang telahku catat sewaktu di dalam ruangan syarahan masih belum sempat aku sisipkan ke dalam neuron otakku. Kekadang syarahan yang diberi juga membuatkan aku sedikit bingung . Itu tidak lagi termasuk dengan nota-nota yang tidak sempat aku catatkan disebabkan kepantasan pensyarah berlumba menyempurnakan syarahannya. Begitu juga dengan sesi praktikal.. Ya , memang aku bergerak aktif sewaktu sesi praktikal dijalankan.. Namun , apabila aku ditugaskan untuk menyiapkan laporan makmal..aku tersentap seketika..hairan..hilang arah.. bingung..tentang cara-cara menyiapkannya. Lalu aku biarkan sahaja untuk aku siapkan laporan tersebut keesokkan harinya. (Harapan lah~)

               Tidak tahu dari mana perlu aku memulakan pembelajaran walhal nota-notaku sudah bertimbun tidak terusik. Kata-kata dekan " You can sleep but do it with your eyes open" masih terngiang-ngiang dibenak fikiranku. Namun apakan daya terkadang terlelap jua sewaktu sesi syarahan akibat keletihan. Topik-topik baru muncul tanpa belas kasihan meninggalkan mereka yang hanyut terpinga-pinga dalam kegelapan. Itu termasuklah aku. Kesempitan waktu mula menghimpitku dari segenap ruang membuatkan aku sesak bersendirian.

                   Masalah-masalah yang timbul membuatkan aku mulai gugup. Tapi tidak mengapa.. kerana Allah bersamaku.. Itu yang aku sentiasa harapkan.. Kekadang aku jua lalai menyiapkan tugasan seharianku sehingga aku terlupa tanggungjawabku kepadaNya.. Aku terasa diri ini semakin hanyut dan jauh dariNya.. Mungkin juga kerana faktor itu membuatkan hatiku resah dan gelisah. Wahai hati janganlah kau terleka dengan hal dunia sehingga kau melupakan akhirat..jikalau tidak , inilah akibatnya!! sekarang barulah aku sedar.. rupa-rupanya telah jauh aku meninggalkanMu..Namun Kau masih ada disisiku..memberi peringatan demi peringatan supaya aku kembali mendekatiMu..Aku amat bersyukur Ya Allah dah aku mohon padaMu.. Kau kembalikanlah aku ke jalanMu.. Bimbinglah aku..Kuatkanlah aku untuk menghadapi kehidupan ini.. Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin !

Jam menunjukkan pukul 2 pagi.. cukuplah kiranya untuk aku berhenti disini . Mungkin akanku sambung di lain hari..(itu pun belum pasti!) . Yang pasti . bantal empukku sudah menanti.. hatiku pun sudah mula kembali tenang..inilah ketenangan yang ku cari..muhasabah di malam hari~

Selamat Malam kalian !~ (^_^)

Nota Kaki : Jangan kerana sibuk dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian menyebabkan kita lupa tanggungjawab kita di muka bumi ini. Marilah kita bersama-sama menjadikan hari ini sebagai titik permulaan untuk kita berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baik..InsyaAllah !

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In between "kepak-kepak" and medicine~


              Last week have been "awesome"..why "awesome" ? I'll explain it through out this entry...First and foremost , It was awesome because it's the day where I officially registered in UiTM as a medical student...( YAY !!)..Secondly , It was the orientation week a.k.a minggu destini siswa..There were many things that we did during the week...there were briefing , filling up registration form , briefing , opening ceremony by Vice Chancellor of UiTM , briefing again....and all sort of briefing continued through out the week. yup , of course I did fall asleep between those briefings..hahaha

         The Dato' Vice Chancellor have given such an inspirational speech about "Destini Anak Bangsa"..I didn't see any racial remark in any of his speech..then came Y.B. Dato Razali Bin Ibrahim representing the goverment in the slot " Taklimat bersama Tokoh"...As you know , university students like us are bound to Akta Universiti (AUKU) that forbid any student from involving in politics..that does not include them (referring to the government) so they are free to come here and give a speech about politics..However , in UiTM there's Akta 174 replacing the AUKU but still contain the same rules..Y.B Dato' Razali has talk about merdeka...then come the Mat Indera case...and Mat Sabu..I just don't get it with these politics guys...they came to university to give this kind of speech than bound us from saying anything...not trying to politicise here but how can they repeatedly said that the student should be very thankful to the government for offering them a scholarship and providing many facilities to the students...It's really irritate me because they are saying as though the money came from the government where it's actually coming from the people (rakyat)...DONE !


Part 2

            The seniors have been very kind in a fierce way and also helpful...There was one night where we were forced to wake up at 1.30 a.m while we had just slept at 1 o'clock in the morning..and I kinda confused at that time not knowing what's going to happen make matter worst I even forgot to wear my spectacle...Thus , I was like a semi-blinded person running towards the field...yup, we were instructed to gather at the field that night...we were scolded for a mistake made by some other students...we had to do star-jump..and squat down until 3.30 a.m..It was very tiring and it's shown clearly when I slept during the speech by the VC..hehe

        Other than that I would like to acknowledge the seniors for their patient , dedication and perseverance in dealing with us..we would like to apologies if we have done wrong and thank you so much for helping us during the registration process..Things weren't so bad as it looks because the seniors are very sporting actually , only sometimes when we did something wrong (from their point of view) , they got angry like an angry bird... erm...For those who wanna know what's "kepak-kepak" had to do with this entry...It's actually our residential college cheers and it goes like this , "tepuk perindu... tepuk sekali... tepuk dua kali...tepuk amai-amai..belalang kupu-kupu... tepuk adik pandai...kita no.1... kolej perindu... kepak3x~  kolej perindu...  kepak3x~~  wooo!!!~ "

p/s : I'm now staying at Kolej Kenanga ( for medicine and dentistry students)

  Kolej Kenanga ( 2 students per room )

Farhan's stuff

my section of the room !

Till then see ya~~

p/s : As a university student , we need to have a critical thinking so that when the government or the opposition brought up an issue to us..we find the related evidence  of the issue , search from the root of the issue and only agree when it is right and disagree when it is wrong. (Solely based on my own opinion)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Eid Mubarak ! :DD


"Assalamualaikum w.b.t. bagi menyempurnakan titah perintah Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong setelah diperkenankan oleh Duli-Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja, maka adalah dengan ini saya mengisytiharkan bahawa tarikh Hari Raya Aidilfitri bagi negeri-negeri seluruh Malaysia, telah ditetapkan pada hari selasa, 30 Ogos tahun 2011. sekian wassalamualaikum w.b.t"

Happy Eid Mubarak Everyone!!!!!!! :DDD

Saya dengan seikhlas liver hati menyusun 10  jari kaki memohon maaf sekiranya ada silap dan salah...terlanjur kata..terguris hati..tersinggung perasaan...kepada semua pihak yang terbabit...aseef jiddan ! (^_^)

Serangkap pantun dari saya :

Dua tiga kucing berlari ,
Mana nak sama si kucing belang ,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri ,
Sambutlah ia dengan riang.

p/s: Semoga "roh" bulan ramadhan ini dapat kita bawa ke bulan-bulan yg lain~~ maaf zahir  & batin :DD

Friday, July 29, 2011

Entri Khas : Ihya Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum ,

Apa Khabar anda semua di luar sana? Harap-harap semuanya sihat-sihat belaka la yea. ha..kenapa? Oh , kenapa entri ini dalam bahasa melayu ? Itu persoalan anda..hmm..pertamanya, kerana ini entri khas..nampak tak dekat atas tu tulis entri khas...Justeru itu , makanya lain kali bacain dulu...jangan terus menyerbu gitu..hahaha..indon pulak..maaf , tersasul di situ.

Entri kali ini lebih istimewa kerana ianya bukan hanya dalam bahasa melayu tetapi ia juga tentang ihya ramadhan. "Apa tu ihya ramadhan?", kata si polan kepada rakannya sali . HAHA. (sengaja menggunakan nama sali sebab safee sali jaringkan gol semalam) . Okay , berbalik kepada ihya ramadhan . Ihya ramadhan maksudnya menghidupkan ramadhan. Seperti yang kalian semua ketahui bulan ramadhan bakal tiba tak lama lagi. Sudahkah anda semua bersedia untuk memasuki madrasah ramadhan? (jawab dalam hati , jangan nak jerit-jerit kat sini..haha)

Ramadhan kali ini sangat istimewa buat diri saya kerana buat julung kalinya , saya berpeluang untuk berpuasa penuh...krik3..("lah selama ni budak ni tak pernah puasa penuh ke? hampeh btol !!", getus seorang hamba Allah yang datang jenguk blog ni)..hey.. nanti dulu saya belum habis berbicara..tahun ni sangat istimewa sebab saya dapat puasa penuh sebulan di rumah...(oh , hang habaq la awal2..sekaliku tabuh kang..buat saspen je)..ampun yea jangan lah nak pukul-pukul orang macam tu..kitakan saudara sesama islam..chill bro~~

Sebelum meneruskan lagi perbincangan ini , saya ada masalah sikitlah dalam bahasa melayu (BM) ni..saya tak tahu lah nak guna "saya" atau "aku"...sebab kalau guna "saya" macam formal sangat pulak..kalau guna "aku"..nanti mula lah orang kata..("apew gnew akue2 nie...kuang aja btoi")..hai cik abang , bukan ke masa kita berdoa memohon dengan Allah , kita bahasakan diri kita "aku"..contohnya , "Ya Allah , aku banyak berdosa padaMu..maka Kau ampunilah aku..seseungguhnya aku hambaMu yang lemah"..jadi mulai dari sekarang aku nak bahasakan diriku ini "aku" dalam blog ni..Tak salah rasanya..sebab bukan merosakkan bahasa pun..memang ada dalam kamus dewan bahasa dan pustaka...tak percaya , cuba "check" sendiri.

Perkasakan Bahasa Ibunda !

“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan bagimu berpuasa, sebagaimana telah diwajibkan pada orang-orang sebelum kamu. Mudah-mudahan kamu bertakwa” (Al Baqarah:183)

Begitulah kewajipan berpuasa disyariatkan kepada kita selama sebulan di bulan ramadhan. Jadi adakah ramadhan pada kali ini kita akan biarkan sahaja tanpa membuat sebarang amal soleh dan memperbaiki diri..sesungguhnya amat rugilah orang-orang yang bersikap sedemikian. Alhamdulillah , Allah masih memberi peluang buat aku untuk bertemu sekali lagi dengan bulan ramadhan..mungkin itu pun masih belum pasti kerana hari ini baru 28 sya'ban..insyaAllah jika ada rezeki , akan bertemu juga dengan bulan ramadhan tak lama lagi.

Jadi selain puasa menahan nafsu lapar dan dahaga di siang hari dan solat sunat terawih di malam hari , apakah lagi amalan yang sangat elok kita lakukan bagi menghidupkan ramadhan ini?

Amalan-amalan yang boleh dilakukan sepanjang bulan ramadhan :-

1. bersedekah kepada fakir miskin.

2. memperbanyakkan berzikir.

3. tadarus Al-quran.

4.menghidupkan malam dengan qiamulail

5.memperbanyakkan amal ibadah di sepuluh malam terakhir ramadhan (Lailatul Qadar):

"Sesiapa yang menghidupkan malam Lailatul Qadar dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan pahala, maka diampunkan baginya dosa yang telah lepas dan sesiapa yang berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan pahala, maka diampunkan baginya dosa yang telah lepas." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

6. melakukan amalan-amalan sunat yang lain (Fikirlah sendiri! :D)

Akhir kata , marilah kita bersama-sama menghidupkan ramadhan kali ini kerana kita sendiri tidak mengetahui sama ada kita akan hidup lagi untuk ramadhan yang akan datang. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal~~~

P/s : Ya Allah , aku juga ingin berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baik , justeru Engkau berilah HidayahMu kepadaku~~

Nota Kaki I : Sudah tiba masanya blog ini mempunyai dwibahasa..bukan bahasa rojak yea..dwibahasa di sini bermaksud..."akan ada entri dalam bahasa melayu dan entri dalam bahasa Inggeris"..bahasa-bahasa lain seperti bahasa arab , bahasa cina , bahasa india , bahasa rusia dan sebagainya mungkin akan dipertimbangkan pada masa hadapan.

Nota Kaki II : Tidak kira apa bahasa sekalipun , kita tetap 1Malaysia (Konsep yang sememangnya ada sejak kita merdeka..obviously ! ) bukan 1Najib..bhahahaha (ketawa sopan)

Nota Kaki III : terima kasih , thank you , syukran , shei shei , shukhriya , gracias kerana sudi membaca entri di blog ini ! (^_^)

Friday, July 15, 2011

The biggest "rally" ever~~


The conversation above described what will be happening today..the biggest "rally" ever..and when I say about rally.. It's not about the "Bersih" rally..It's the "upu" rally..about three hundred thousands students all over Malaysia are attending this "rally" to demand their right to further their studies in local universities..that includes me.

The day have come..Nevertheless, today is Friday so I need to perform my friday prayer. I've decided to check on the result before I went to the mosque.That is not a bad know in that way my prayer will be more 'khusyuk'.LOL..haha

The clock is ticking..

I'm very nervous..It's almost 12.00 o'clock..anytime now the upu will be open..I can sense shivers running through my spine and I can even hear my heart beats..'lub' 'dub'...the common sound heard during systole and diastole of the heart but it's beating faster right now..

Nervous !

I opened my laptop...turn it on..window 7~~(the usual sound heard when opening computer)..I clicked on the google chrome..and start to type =

The link directed me to the upu webpage as seen above..I clicked on Saluran 1 : Lembah Klang and waited for about 15 minutes...the page is still loading..hmm..I guess I need to check it after my friday prayer since the internet is very slow now due to the fact that over 300 000 students checking the upu on the same time..*curse*..that is why..I hate online "rally"..hahaha

Luckily,one of my friend give me a link from utm I I clicked on the link..Bismillahirahmanirahim~~

I enter my password..and waited for a few seconds...

Alhamdulillah ! (the first word that I managed to utter)

*sujud syukur*

I've been accepted by Faculty of Medicine in UiTM..Praises to Allah..All the hard work pays~
Now , I need to prepare myself physically and mentally before I enters the med faculty in September...5 years to go before I become houseman...scary but excited~~

p/s : I can't wait to enter faculty of medicine this coming September~~

p/s I : to all my juniors..see I'm in..and I know you can too.. :D

p/s II : to syarifuddin : your comment is also in my blog..hahaha xD

p/s III : For those who didn't get any courses in upu or didn't get the course that they desire...don't ever give up..and believe in yourself..There's always a silver lining behind every clouds.

Firman Allah s.w.t :

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."

(Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 216)


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