Thursday, March 11, 2010

SPM RESULT!!!!!!!!!!!!

After three months of waiting finally SPM result is out!!!! Alhamdullilah, I managed to get 8 A's and 3 B's...It was a relief and although I did not get straight A's , I'm very grateful for what I my principle is "Failure is not the end , instead failure is the beginning of many more successes"....I would like to congratulate my cousin, Mikhail whom got straight A's...keep it up and I'll be there to catch up...haha...and to my rival "ehem2" don't forget our deal...hee~

Next move, doing some research about my option!!!!

P/S : Thanks to my family and friends and also my teachers for always being there to support me...Thank you very much!!!! Teehee XD


shamsul bahar said...

congrats taufik . very good philosophy , u will do good . Insyallah .

Ahmad Taufiq said...

thanks alang... ^_^

RNS said...

Bila tengok balik post ni terbukti SPM bukanlah penentu semuanya. Keputusan Asasi jauh lebih baik. =)


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